Best Wishes for a Happy New Year from MARIDIS

Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year: MARIDIS appreciates you for your faithful cooperation and support throughout 2024. We look forward to working with you in 2025!

Thank you for joining us aboard the Cap San Diego on September 3 in Hamburg

Thank you for your participation: You made our event »MARIDIS meets SMM 2024« a success. Feel free to contact us at anytime for further fruitful discussions and new projects!

Visit us at SMM, Hall A4, Booth 421.

Welcome aboard on September 3 in Hamburg: During the SMM 2024, we will provide you with new products, live music, great food and beverages aboard the Cap San Diego!

MarPrime Instruct makes any other software expendable

Update for MarPrime Instruct: The software's new key feature is the ability to calculate the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) – the update is completely free of charge.


Hinweis zu unserem Produkt MarPrime®: Ein fehlerfreies Auslesen der Marprime® Daten / mpd-files kann Maridis nur bei Verwendung der MarPrime Software und MarPrime Instruct Software gewährleisten.