Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year: MARIDIS appreciates you for your faithful cooperation and support throughout 2024. We look forward to working with you in 2025!
Thank you for your participation: You made our event »MARIDIS meets SMM 2024« a success. Feel free to contact us at anytime for further fruitful discussions and new projects!
Welcome aboard on September 3 in Hamburg: During the SMM 2024, we will provide you with new products, live music, great food and beverages aboard the Cap San Diego!
Update for MarPrime Instruct: The software's new key feature is the ability to calculate the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) – the update is completely free of charge.
Hinweis zu unserem Produkt MarPrime®: Ein fehlerfreies Auslesen der Marprime® Daten / mpd-files kann Maridis nur bei Verwendung der MarPrime Software und MarPrime Instruct Software gewährleisten.