Mrs. Birgit Reichardt-Mewes and Mr. Wulf Henning Reichardt have been appointed as our agents for Denmark and the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain and Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco and Croatia. Mr. Paolo Castagnet has been appointed as agent for Italy.

Managing Director Daniel Gau successfully attended the UsMoDi 2014. It is the main mission of this conference to create an opportunity to share experiences concerning power plants and make valuable contacts between diesel industry leaders in the region and around the world.

Lloyd´s Register issued a Type Approval Certificate for MarPrime & MarPrime Ultra as Condition Monitoring System. It has been tested with satisfactory results in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Lloyd´s Register Type Approval System. Read here for further information.

We are pleased to announce that we have recently appointed THOR FZE as an experienced agent for the Middle East. We are convinced that he is the the right contact for VAE, Katar, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Kuwait. THOR FZE can easily be reached in the United Arabic Emirates.

The exhibition Asia Pacific Maritime 2014 was like a handshake with the future. A perfect stage to present our most important products, including the latest innovation MarPrime and the peak pressure indicator MarPeak. The end of the exhibition marks the start of new electrifying impulses.